"There is only one goal: to make the best clothes in the world that are
still humanly possible, that is all we care about."
Fratelli Piacenza 1733 pure Alashan Cashmere Worsted excellence
New Special Pieces
This amazing new special version of the venerable 2013 GBS ETJ05 superjacket may well be the coolest pure cashmere sports jacket of the year, but don't wait too long to acquire it...
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Only 1 in the World...
This special one-of-a-kind black version of the classic GRC08 long coat in Piacenza's pure Alashan 3-ply cashmere coating cloth is now ready for delivery...
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Geoffrey B. Small
Geoffrey B. Small collections are produced exclusively by GEOFFREY B. SMALL MADE IN ITALY S.R.L.
GBS Superworkrooms Via dell'Artigianato, 4 - 30014 Cavarzere (Venezia) Italy P. IVA / C. F. IT 04369270279
Copyright 1995-MMXXIII Geoffrey B. Small. All rights reserved worldwide.